So that now the entry into the world of G-POWER supercharger systems starts with the SK I “Sporty Drive” TU system and 520 hp, followed by the SK II “Sporty Drive” TU system with 580 hp and the SK II CS “Sporty Drive” TU with 610 hp peak performance. In the end the output is now increased between an additional 10 to 20 hp compared to the existing output enhancement.
The modification of the standard ECU software to the new parameters of the forced induction has been completely reworked and optimized in the course of the upgrade process and is now based on the latest software version of BMW.

Moreover, thanks to the complete redevelopment of the air intake, its overall part count has been optimized, further simplifying the installation of the M3 “Sporty Drive” TU supercharger system. Reserved for the SK II CS supercharger system is an additional fuel pump system with ECU for a map controlled activation. The additional air mass, that is provided by the new air intake, allows the use of the ASA T1-523 supercharger (SK II and SK II CS) compared to the ASA T1-522 supercharger used until now. The modified air intake is now housing a larger racing air filter that provides for an enlarged air mass flow and at the same time is more durable and dust resistant. All components of the air intake and the fuel supply system have been developed from scratch or extensively revised based on our many years of experience. The product launch has been preceded by extensive CAD engineering, complemented with virtual computational fluid dynamics analysis (CFD analysis) and intensive test driving. The revisions have been made in order to enhance the power output, to simplify the system’s installation and are the results of a continuous quality improvement process. The “TU” in the name of the G-POWER SK I, SK II and SK II CS supercharger systems is standing for “technical update” and it indicates that the well-known and proven G-POWER M3 supercharger system is now available with a technical optimized 2013 version. *Up to 25 % additional output enhancement compared to the present supercharger *Installation without irremovable modifications to your car *Supercharger coming from well-known German brand in OEM quality *Significant output enhancement of up to 190 hp and 190 Nm torque *SK II CS „Sporty Drive“ TU supercharger system with 610 PS *SK II „Sporty Drive“ TU supercharger system with 580 PS *SK I „Sporty Drive“ TU supercharger system with 520 PS G-POWER SK I, SK II and SK II CS „Sporty Drive“ TU supercharger system for BMW Up to 25 % additional output enhancement (now 100 hp instead of 80 hp output enhancement with M3 SK I “Sporty Drive” supercharger system) have been achieved due to optimization in detail. The result shows the long-standing experience and the technical expertise of the G-POWER engineering department. G-Power has performed a complex program for the M3 supercharger systems to increase its efficiency. The G-POWER „Efficiency Program“ for the M3 supercharger system allows up to 25 % additional output enhancement without additional stress for the engine, without increase in emissions or additional cost.