You will want to download the software that says DYMO Label ™ Software and has the most recent version number after. Download the most recent version for Mac. DYMO Label ™ SoftwareOnce you have uninstalled the first DYMO software, go to this link: select the Support tab and click Drivers & Downloads.Right-click or Control-click the DYMO Software and select "Move to Trash". You will need to enter your computer's password to uninstall.Locate the DYMO program indicated with the DYMO logo.Apple Computer - Click the magnifying glass in the top right of your computer screen and search Applications.The first step is to uninstall the DYMO software from your computer.Leave the USB unplugged until instructed to plug it back in. Unplug the Dymo printer's USB cord from your computer.To troubleshoot and resolve most DYMO issues, you will uninstall and reinstall the specific version of the DYMO software listed below.

If you do not receive the above message, then you will want to follow the steps below. You can test if your browser is recognizing your DYMO printer by checking this link: If you receive the message " Congratulations! DLS Web Service is up and running. You can now print from supported websites." then you should be good to print labels from BridalLive. Sometimes, if your computer does not have a specific version of the DYMO software, the DYMO software will not work with a browser even though it works independently of a browser in the Dymo software. DYMO Labelwriter software has become a helpful tool working in conjunction with BridalLive to create product labels in your store.