WWe Elite 3-pack BOOTY O's NEW DAY ELITE FIGURES Big E Kofi Xavier Wrestle NEW, Fingerboard Series 9 Element Common Tech Deck BBSM20108354, Magic the Gathering MTG Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit All 5 Decks, PALE MOON V-PR/0166EN Details about CARDFIGHT VANGUARD SILVER THORN JUGGLER MU, Matchbox # 68 Porsche 910 w Superfast Wheels NIB 1970. Lego 4x slope brick slope inclined 45 2x2 red/red 3039 NEW.Team Associated Rc10b2 Rear Chassis Plate B3 T3 9241 for sale online.Athearn 74465 HO De Soto Chemical Triple Dome Tank Car #3448.En/Fr Ages 13 and up Educational Music Kit Tech Will Save Us Synth Kit.Tire Rack Storage Holder For 1/10 RC Crawler Car RC4WD 1.9inch Tire Tyres Wheels.D137 LEGO GENUINE RED LEGO BRICK 6X1 STUD 16 PIECES.LIONEL RIO GRANDE F-3 DIESEL 2 PIECE SET NOSE WATERSLIDE DECAL LOOK!.4x Front&Rear Drive Shaft CVD For Traxxas Slash 4X4 Rustler VXL Stampede RC Car.All the while, blonde ezel was given buffs strong enough to make it STILL relevant so many sets later and now their nerf to wingal liberator feels almost entirely negligable to me.PALE MOON V-PR/0166EN Details about CARDFIGHT VANGUARD SILVER THORN JUGGLER MU I dont mind the MC clans getting the spotlight and extra support, it just feels wrong that they can murder palemoon like this or leave ramiel R in such a useless state since they already have all the data from the original vanguard release. Its amazing how little care is put into helping out smaller clans and rebalancing the top tier ones given that they have perfect hindsight from the original series. If we dont get something substantial, im giving up until G (if we even get that far). The zero cycle continues to turn and my interest dies more each day. Liberators are given a slap on the wrist, palemoon gets brutally massacred. Overall, Im just very upset they gut PM's one chance to be a tier 1 deck while leaving liberators, who have been a consistently strong deck, and will remain a strong dick, with a miniscule nerf.Īs an angel feather main who was gathering mats for palemoon coming out in 2 months, i feel for all the PM players who feel this killed the clan kuz it feels like it definitely did. Change the power scaling on Upright Lion to 1/turn cuz that card can reach some insane power values with the combos and effectively cancel out 1-2 triggers. As much as I'd hate to see it, make each effect 1/turn.

There are plenty of other methods of nerfing this deck that arent as extreme. They'll still get their money from meta hoggers or MC clan mains. But also we dont make up a large enough community to threaten the devs with a group leaving. There is next to no reason for PM players to play now if this nerf goes through as PM in legion is pointless. This is a complete slap in the face to PM players as the one time they have a good tiered deck, it gets brutalized. It takes a lot of time to figure out matchups, what cards you can use in your soul, etc.

Why punish the people who take the time into learning the intricacies of this deck on ladder? PM is not a go face brrr type of deck completely.

While there may be the argument that pro players banned this and all that, this doesnt change the fact that a majority of people on ladder aka not in the top 1% arent pro players. However, this is extremely unlikely as you often have to use Reverse Luq's limit break cb 1 to call out maricica from your soul if the opponent has a 10k base RG. At most, their skills total could be used maybe 6 times if you get a heal. With this 2 cb nerf, I can't imagine how PM's main gimmick of swapping in and out from the soul can function anymore.
Either you use it for early aggression and may run into problems later down the line where you need to breakride to multiattack or not have enough cb to use the full maricica 2 swings to rears then a new column. As it stands now, you have to make a choice with your cb and anas/maricicas. As an avid PM player, hell my name here and even in game is PaleMoon, this is gonna destroy A) PM's early aggression, and B) late game aggression, effectively giving them nothing to work with.